Creating Insta-Worthy Photos What You Need to Know

Creating Insta-Worthy Photos: What You Need to Know

You’ve seen them. The photos with the perfect composition, the right filters, and the perfect amount of light. They make you stop in your tracks, and you can’t help but double-tap in envy.

What you may not know is that most of these Insta-worthy photos didn’t happen by accident. There’s a lot of careful thought and planning that goes into taking a great Instagram photo. But don’t worry—we’re here to help. In this article, we’ll teach you the basics of photography so you can start taking photos that will make your followers do a double take.

What Camera Is Best for Instagram Photos?

There are a lot of factors that go into taking a great Instagram photo. But one of the most important is the camera you’re using.

So, what’s the best camera for Instagram photos? Well, that depends on what you’re looking for. If you want something simple and easy to use, a smartphone camera will do the trick. But if you’re looking for more versatility and control, a mirrorless camera may be a better option.

No matter what camera you choose, make sure to experiment with different settings and angles to find what works best for you. And don’t be afraid to get creative!

Accessories to Enhance Your Pictures

Your photos will look even better when you use some accessories to enhance them.

For starters, consider using a neutral background to help your product or subject stand out. If you don’t have a plain wall to use, invest in a piece of fabric or sheet that will work well. Wooden floors or tables can also work in a pinch, but be careful not to include too many distractions in the background.

Another way to improve your photos is by using props. This can be anything from flowers and plants to books and sunglasses. Just make sure that the props you choose are relevant to your brand and fit with your esthetic.

Finally, don’t forget about lighting! Natural light is always best, but if you’re taking photos indoors, try to find a spot near a window. And if all else fails, invest in some artificial lighting to help you out.

Editing Software to Improve Your Instagram Photos

There are a lot of great photo editing software options out there, and the one you choose really depends on your own personal preferences and needs.

For example, I use the Adobe Creative Suite on my laptop. It’s a comprehensive set of tools that lets me do everything from basic photo editing to complex graphics design. But if you’re just starting out and aren’t sure what you need, there are a lot of great free options available online.

Pixlr is one of my personal favorites. It’s easy to use, and has a wide range of features that let you customize your photos to look exactly the way you want them to. But there are plenty of other great options out there, too. Just do a quick Google search for “photo editing software” and you’ll find plenty of results to choose from.

Picking the Right Background

When it comes to backgrounds for your photos, it doesn’t have to be complicated. A blank wall or some texture (think greenery or bricks) can make all the difference. If you’re feeling creative, you can even create your own backdrop with fabrics, plants and other props you have around the house!

You also want to choose a background that will highlight the subject. If you’re taking a photo of a product, it’s best to keep the background simple and free of distractions. But if you’re shooting a portrait, then something with more depth might work better.

Remember that the background of your shot can also help you set a mood. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different colors and textures until you find one that works nicely with your subject and adds a layer of interest to your photo.

Tips for Taking Great Instagram Photos

It’s important to keep in mind a few basic tips when taking your Instagram photos. First, look for natural light. Natural light from the sun or from lamps and windows will make your photos more vibrant and crisp. So try to avoid using too much flash or other artificial lighting.

Second, consider playing with different angles and perspectives to create unique visuals. You can also try adding interesting foreground elements to your shots to add depth and dimension. Just be sure you don’t add too much clutter or the photo won’t be insta-worthy!

Third, experiment with different filters and color palettes to find what works best for each photo. You want to express yourself while still creating something esthetically pleasing, so feel free to go a bit outside of the traditional Instagram filter options.

Finally, as with any art, practice makes perfect! Don’t expect every single shot you take to come out looking like an amazing work of art – it takes time and patience to get there! Just remember that the fun part is in the experimentation and keep on trying until you get it right!

Pros and Cons of Using a Mirrorless Camera for Instagram Photography

A mirrorless camera is a great option for taking Instagram-worthy photos. The convenience of using a mirrorless digital camera is that you can take pictures with different lenses and not have to worry about changing them out. And the quality of the images is much better than the standard cameras most people use.

Unfortunately, there are still some drawbacks to mirrorless cameras. For one thing, they tend to be pricey. You’ll also have to invest in extra lenses if you want to switch up your shots. And, since they don’t have a viewfinder, it’s harder to preview the shot before you take it.

Overall though, I’d definitely say that if you can afford it and don’t mind learning how to use it, investing in a mirrorless camera can help you make some pretty amazing photos for Instagram!


It all boils down to this: if you want to take great Instagram photos, you need to invest in a mirrorless camera. You don’t need to break the bank, but you do need a camera that will allow you to experiment with different settings and shooting modes. And don’t forget to edit your photos before you post them! A little bit of post-production work can go a long way in making your photos look their best.

Kate DR


Kate is a Manila-based web geek who does a bit of everything. With 11 years experience in all-things digital, she revels in hybrid roles that keep her on her toes.